Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do not discriminate!

All rights and freedoms belong to all people without distinction of any kind.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Republic of Macedonia suffers from discrimination at all levels, including institutionalized discrimination based on ethnic, religious, gender, age, social and political background and sexual orientation. Deeply rooted, discrimination is part of the social life. Government policies at local and state level do not differ from the commonly adopted discriminatory manners and practices; moreover, they are often encouraged in different ways.
Although anti-discrimination has been introduced by law, the law itself is discriminatory towards certain groups in the society, particularly LGBT. The government is using the widespread prejudices against the LGBTs and skipped this category from the anti-discrimination law two years ago, practically outlawing LGBT persons in the country.
The areas of discrimination do not end there. Even if a certain category is formally protected by the mentioned law, the state and local institutions operate in fashions that discourage any reaction by citizens against discrimination.
Civil society organizations in the country, the ombudsman and relevant international organizations and institutions have repeatedly reported on discriminatory policies and practices, unsuccessfully. Discrimination goes on. It is a tool used by political elites in their power games. Despite the constitutional and legislative orientation of the country, Republic of Macedonia remains a deeply divided country in many aspects; a country where discrimination narrows possibilities for freethinking and respect for human rights and freedoms.

Today, we invite you declare DISCRIMINATION-FREE DAY in your household, in your street, at work, wherever you go. Fight your own prejudices today, and tell others to do so. See how good it feels and declare ANOTHER DISCRIMINATION-FREE DAY. And, ANOTHER DISCRIMINATION-FREE DAY… And so on… Be different and be proud of it. You are not a piece of factory stock, you are a whole and unique human being, just as seven billion other human beings on Earth are; they all have the right to be different. Do not discriminate!
Light a candle in front of an institution where you last felt being discriminated. Take a picture of it and send it to us. Attach a short story about what kind of discrimination you experienced. You witnessed or were subjected to discrimination in the local school, company, municipality, political party, government, or else? We encourage you to write a letter to the head of that institution, tell the story in your own words and send it. Send a copy to us. We will be happy to publicize your story.
Take a piece of textile and scratch the word DISCRIMINATION on it. Make it your flag against discrimination. Wave it around.
Someone called you a traitor for mingling with the others? Be sure: that person has betrayed the humankind.
Xhabir M. Deralla
President of Civil – Center for Freedom

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