Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We’re all equal before the law

Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Discrimination degrades human dignity and harms the society on a long run. State, public and private institutions in the Republic of Macedonia leave a dark stain on people’s lives every day. The poorer the individuals, groups or communities are, the more forms of discrimination they suffer. It all creates societal, political and economic inertia, making majority of people passive and convinced that such practices are justified.
Discrimination has many faces. People are being discriminated on various bases, such as ethnic, religious and racial. One can also find serious violations and discrimination based on age, gender and sexual orientation. It can be found in practically every area of the life: education, environment, nutrition, housing, migrant and season workers, refugees and displaced persons, reproductive health, workers, etc. These are all areas of societal, political and cultural life where the governmental institutions are the ones that impose discrimination.
Fight against discrimination is an imperative task of every government’s functionary and official at both national and local level. Furthermore, fight against discrimination is a continuous and complex process at all levels and in all segments of the society.
According to the Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is forbidden for governments to treat people in an unfair and limiting manner. It implies that governments must respect people’s fundamental rights and freedoms, and has to provide protection in the processes of policy and decision making, build and maintain social welfare system that meets the needs of each and every citizen in the country. Discriminatory and exclusive society is far from a democratic society; it is destructive and dark place where people are scared and threatened.
Xhabir Deralla, President of Civil

Editors, program hosts, journalists:
Read an article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights every day. By doing so, you will greatly contribute to the awareness-raising and education on human rights and freedoms. Knowing human rights is the first step towards their respect, and of the fight against discrimination. Help people gain knowledge and restore their confidence and dignity.
With only a few seconds per day, you achieve a lot.

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